After much deliberation and putting it off because I wasn’t sure about how or where to start, I’ve finally managed to get around to just doing it. Although simple in its current form and I’m not sure what I’m going to put on it just yet, here’s to hoping its the start of something that I will keep coming back to and working on!

For this blog, I used Jekyll and the Minima theme purely for its simplicity and the pages are all in Markdown which is what I am already writing a lot of my own personal notes in. As an added bonus, hosting it through GitHub Pages inherently gives version control of the blog which will be nice for the early days of figuring this out and learning how to customise it.

As time goes on, and I learn more through work and personal projects, I hope to fill this place up with cool things and concepts I’ve learnt so that somewhere, someone might find it useful and maybe come away from it learning something new. So in a way, this might become a personal collection of the things I find fascinating and what interests me about the world of Software Engineering and Technology.